Caroline Forbes: A Character Analysis


Caroline Forbes is one of the main characters on the show, ‘The Vampire Diaries.’ Apart from the three central characters, she has the most screen time.

In the first season, Caroline was introduced as a stereotypical blond girl. She was one of the popular girls at school and was the captain of the cheerleading squad. She was also pretty headstrong and competitive. She had a high degree of leadership and was always the one organizing things. She was the daughter of the town’s sheriff and possessed a high social prestige. Underneath her loving nature and confident exterior, Caroline is very insecure, neurotic, and a control freak. There were a lot of flaws and complexities in her character, which she eventually overcame, leading to her immense character development.

Caroline became a vampire, which led to a drastic change in her personality. This showed her the world in a new light. She outgrew her insecurities and became more responsible and caring. Being a vampire was what made her truly alive. As a new vampire, she had uncanny control over herself.

Caroline grew a lot over the years. She started dating Damon because she was jealous of Elena’s relationship with Stefan. She finally ended up falling in love with her best friend and vampire mentor, Stefan Salvatore. She was a mother to two surrogate daughters. She also turned Klaus Mikaelson, the worst evil to befall Mystic Falls, into someone good. She saw the best in people and believed that anyone could be redeemed.

I believe that Caroline was the character who showed the most character development throughout the season. People usually dismiss her after watching a couple of episodes. I think that they should give her a chance. They should watch her grow and become comfortable with who she is.


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